Bodkin Farmhouse, Whitstable, Kent
CLIENT Eton College
DATES Revised scheme submitted July 2015
Refurbishment of farm buildings to provide three new dwellings within two new buildings, plus associated car parking, garaging, external works and the refurbishment of existing farmhouse. The existing property comprises a Grade II Listed set of buildings including an original farmhouse, derelict barn, swimming pool, tennis court and outbuilding. The farmhouse is currently in a poor state with its condition deteriorating significantly since the consented scheme. The site lies within, and is surrounded by, a 28 hectare site known as Bodkin Farm, also in ownership of the client.
"In all areas, Clive Chapman Architects are extremely proficient in terms of not only design and imagination, but also in the more mundane areas of meeting deadlines, cost effectiveness and cost control, providing the local planners with all the required information, forms, plans etc. and in particular in keeping me, the client, on the straight and narrow. They are very good at informing and guiding the client, and meeting timelines and deadlines has always been impressive."
- Adrian Harris, Former Investment Property Manager at Eton College.