Technical Detail Analysis
Our Steps for Good Design
U-Value Calculations
U-value calculations ensure that heat losses through the building fabric are minimised, and hence make the dwelling more energy efficient. We aim to surpass the notional U-values in the UK Building Regulations for our designs, to provide the most comfortable spaces.
Interstitial Condensation Analysis
Interstitial condensation is when water droplets form within layers of materials that make up a wall, floor, or roof. If this is not designed well, there could be building damage and mould growth over time. We are able to assess this, and implement the correct changes to avoid possible issues.
Thermal Bridging
Our experience helps us avoid thermal bridging mistakes when it comes to our technical detailing. We run our design through thermal bridging software, to ensure we have detailed a continuous thermal envelope with no heat leakages, bringing the highest comfort for users.
Our practice has an in-house Certified Passive House Designer with knowledge and experience over various projects. We are happy to discuss opportunities and particular benefits for any potential Passivhaus design projects, or project with Passivhaus principles. For more information on Passivhaus, see: https://www.passivhaustrust.org.uk/