Land at Chestfield

CLIENT  Provost and Trustees of Eton College

DATES  Outline Planning Application May 2014

A masterplan for a mixed use development on a 28 hectare site on the outskirts of Whitstable, Kent. The residential development (7.64 ha) would provide approximately 300 dwellings comprising flats, terraced houses, semi detached and detached houses. A local neighbourhood store and community facilities would be located in the centre of the site. The remaining site area of 18.24 ha will be extensive green space in the form of parks, green corridors, children’s play areas, playing fields, allotments and community woodland.

"In all areas, Clive Chapman Architects are extremely proficient in terms of not only design and imagination, but also in the more mundane areas of meeting deadlines, cost effectiveness and cost control, providing the local planners with all the required information, forms, plans etc. and in particular in keeping me, the client, on the straight and narrow. They are very good at informing and guiding the client, and meeting timelines and deadlines has always been impressive."

- Adrian Harris, Former Investment Property Manager at Eton College.


